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Who we are

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We are Christians who love the Lord Jesus and desire to meet in obedience to His Word, the Bible.  

The good news of the Lord Jesus Christ is for everyone. So no matter who you are or where you are from, we encourage you to come in and find out more.


We believe that

  •  the Bible is the Word of God

  •  the Lord Jesus is the Son of God - John 1 v 1

  •  all have sinned and come short of the glory of God - Romans 3 v 23

  •  the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal Life through the Lord Jesus Christ -     Romans 6 v 23

  •  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - 1 Timothy 1 v 15

  • salvation from sins is only through the Lord Jesus - Acts 4 v 12

  • we must all repent of our sins and trust the Lord Jesus as our own personal Saviour - Acts 3 v 19,  Acts 16 v 31

For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life - John 3:16


Weekly Services -

Sunday 10am - Breaking of Bread
Sunday 2pm - Sunday School
Sunday 4pm - Gospel Service
Last Sunday every month 4pm - Family service 
Tuesday 7.30pm - Bible Study
Thursday 8pm (first and third week only) - Prayer meeting
Friday 7pm (alternate weeks) - Friday club


Ongoing and Upcoming events -
Family Service 4pm - last Sunday of every month
Bed for the Night

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Our Activities


Weekly Services -


Sunday 10am - Breaking of Bread

Sunday 2pm - Sunday School *

Sunday 4pm - Gospel Service *

Last Sunday every month 4pm - Family service *

Tuesday 7.30pm - Bible Study

Thursday 8pm (first and third week only) - Prayer meeting

Friday 7pm (alternate weeks) - Friday club *



Sunday School


At Providence Chapel Sunday School you will learn some great things about God and the Bible and hear the wonderful news about the Lord Jesus.

At Sunday School, we -


Sing lovely choruses

Learn verses from the Bible

Fun Quiz on the previous week's Bible story

Group classes (based on age) for Story time and group activities

At Christmas and Easter there are special services to which your families and friends may come, enjoy some tea, see what you've been doing at Sunday School and hear the great message of God's love for them too through the Lord Jesus.

In July, there is a special Prizegiving and everyone is invited to come and see you receive your prize!

Sounds good?? Then come along on Sunday at 2:00 pm.

We look forward to seeing you!!

More about our services


Breaking of Bread -10.00 - 11.15am
Remembering the Lord Jesus Christ for His sacrifice at Calvary, in accordance to His command.

Sunday School - 2.00 - 3.00pm
Singing choruses, quiz, free trips, prizes, Bible story lessons and activities! Read more..

Gospel Service - 4pm - 5pm
Open to all for a cuppa and biscuits, after which there will be a short message sharing the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Truth shall set you free.

Family Service (last Sunday of the month) - 4.00pm - 5.15pm
Family time of singing choruses and a short message from the Bible, followed by tea. 

Senior Citizens Tea (every quarter) - 5.00pm - 6.30pm
All Senior Citizens are welcome to join us for tea, followed by singing hymns and a short message from the Bible. 


Drop-in - 8pm - 9.15pm
We open the doors to anyone who would like a hot meal or just a friendly chat.


Bible Study - 7.30pm - 9pm
Systematic Bible study and a forum for any questions from the Bible.


Prayer meeting (1st and 3rd week only) - 8.00pm - 9.00pm


Friday club 
For 10+ , a time well-spent on games and Postal Bible School activities.


Sunday School
More about Services

Contact us

103 Oxford Rd, Reading RG1 7UD, UK

0118 958 0803

0118 988 2365

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